Thursday, December 4, 2008


The meaning of life has long being searched, by now things are much clearer. The ultimate goal is far from ordinary man. Being the mind of the man constructed on their social basis, rarely you will find someone with their ultimate goal is to find and seek truth. To be in the path of reason and knowledge is to know that life is meanless when you think on all the greatness of the existence.
Science has now taken advantage of the sacred knowledge from India, and has taken the explanations from the real image the gurus have being talking all this time long. First law, everything is made of waves. Waves have a certain pattern always they are in existence, the problem is: how and where. Every wave has two extremes; existence begins every time there is movement, because every movement is a wave. A wave cannot be in the middle, otherwise it is not a wave, so, to know these extremes and to know the middle is the first lesson to seek the path of this method on the apprehension of reality. When you know what is going to happen, when you are tuned on waiting the effects of any cause to exist, in reality, you are actually manipulating it (the reality) without knowing, it is because actually your mind is at the same “frequencies” or “reality” of that wave that is co-existing with the waves of your brain, that is the answer why while life exists itself, the conscious of the humans beings as one will also be in existence while there is still life to care.

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