History of the term
The modern use of the phrase "new world order" originated in the early 20th century with Cecil Rhodes, who advocated that the British Empire and the United States should jointly impose a Federal World Government (with English as the official language) to bring about lasting world "peace".[6] A sinister motive is seen in the fact that Rhodes founded the Rhodes Scholarship as a global brotherhood of future leaders. Lionel Curtis, who also believed in this idea, founded the Round Table movement in 1909, which led to the establishment of the British-based Royal Institute for International Affairs in 1919 and the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations in 1921.[7] The concept was further developed by Edward M. House, a close advisor to Woodrow Wilson during the negotiations to set up the League of Nations (it is unclear whether it was House or Wilson who invented the actual phrase). Another important influence was the author H.G. Wells, a vigorous advocate for world government.[8]
One official mention which has garnered attention was in Gerald Ford's "Declaration of Interdependence" on 24 October 1975; according to the ex-general counsel of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, Peter Beter, the Declaration of Interdependence states that:
We must join with others to bring forth a new world order... Narrow notions of national sovereignty must not be permitted to curtail that obligation.[9]
Elements are present in the populism of the nineteenth century. In present form this can be traced to the collapse of the Soviet Union and President George H. W. Bush's new world order speech of 11 September 1990. In it he described the United States' objectives for post-cold-war cooperation with the former Soviet Union, using the phrase "new world order".[10]
[edit] Signs
A few examples of signs that may confirm these claims include the following:
The murals in the Denver International Airport,[11] the pyramid on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States and the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" meaning "New Order of the Ages", Masonic signs on buildings (particularly in Washington DC) and pentagrams worked into city plans. Signs and symbols have also been found in the Vatican, Roman Catholic & Protestant Churches, Mormon Temples of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and on the clothing of various clergy. The Knights of Columbus and Freemasonry have many rituals and symbols. They often code speeches and writings to be secret with special words such as "laying the foundation", "the reality of it is...", "on the level", "by the square", "paving the way", "tell the story", "work", "design" and other architectural terms; e.g. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington D.C., Donald Wuerl, speaking of his appointment referring to "the Architect" and "that world we want to create".[citation needed].
The universal symbol that represents change, the triangle (although this symbol is actually the Greek Letter Δ), appears in the Great Seal of the United States. The eye of the seal completes the triangle, implying change.[citation needed].
A DVD entitled Riddles In Stone investigates the peculiarities in Washington, D.C.'s streets and buildings.
Reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States
Reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States
The belief may stem — at least partly — from the political phrase "New World Order", which was used in politics for much of the 20th century.
Other names for the New World Order used by theorists are Illuminati Bankers, High Cabal, Fourth Reich, Synarchist International, the Cryptocracy, the power elite, and the powers that be[citation needed].
Supporters of this theory can say to a certain degree who is part of it. Most prominent families such as the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Bush family, the Morgans, Warburgs and Du Ponts, and the Saudi Royal Family are claimed to be important members. Some modern Popes and Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy are also said to play a role[citation needed].
International organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF, the European Union, the United Nations, and NATO are sometimes listed as core NWO organizations. Presidents and prime ministers of nations are routinely included in the theory. A slightly different version of the NWO theory goes as far as saying that these families and persons are all part of the same 13 bloodlines[citation needed].
These theories often draw from Freemason and Illuminati scares of the late 18th century and in the 19th century in the United States, as well as antisemitic myths spread through the hoax document, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[12]
[edit] Timeline
These are events that are considered pivotal in, and related to, the establishment of the New World Order.[13]
* In 1832, Skull and Bones was founded at Yale.
* In 1903 the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were published in Russia. Scholars generally agree that the Okhrana, the secret police of the Russian Empire, fabricated the text in the late 1890s or early 1900s.[14]
* In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed, creating the Federal Reserve System.
* In 1935, the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States with the Eye of Providence above the pyramid appeared for the first time on the back of the one dollar U.S. dollar bill.
* In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement was signed, outlining a regime for the post World War II world economy.
* In 1945, the United Nations was founded.
* In 1954, the Bilderberg Group was founded.
* In 1957 the European Economic Community (European Common Market) was formed, which in 1992 changed its name to the European Union. Currently, the EU has 27 member states, 15 of which use a common currency, the Euro.
* In 1963, the Codex Alimentarius Commission was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization, later to be backed by the World Trade Organization.
* In 1973, David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski organized the Trilateral Commission. The Club of Rome issued a report entitled the "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System," which proposes that the world be divided into ten regions.
* In 1995, the United Nations' International Trade Organization's (ITO) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) group was renamed the World Trade Organization (WTO).[15]
* In 2001, the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon are attacked, killing thousands of people. The attacks were allegedly carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists primarily from Saudi Arabia, but many conspiracy theorists[who?] believe that they were carried out or supported by the U.S. government, or the Illuminati.[citation needed] The attacks have been linked to ideas about the New World Order, sometimes presented as a conspiratorial media-orchestrated plot to frighten Americans into giving up their civil liberties to a "Homeland Security" authority that will eventually turn control of the United States over to a multi-national "coalition government."[citation needed]
* In 2001 the USA Patriot Act was signed by George W. Bush, which expands the authority of U.S. law enforcement agencies for the stated purpose of fighting terrorism in the United States and abroad.
* In 2002, the FDA approved the manufacture of the VeriChip microchip implant. This aroused people's fears that some future totalitarian governments could enforce the implanting of these chips and thus be a form of the Mark of the Beast mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 13:16-13:17[16][17]
* In 2004, the Independent Task Force on North America, a project organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, proposes the establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, generally referred to as the North American Union. It has been proposed by Robert Pastor, a vice-chairman of the task force, that the North American Union would have a common currency, the amero.[18]
* In 2007 U.S. president George W. Bush signed into effect the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive which grants him (the president) broad powers during a time of "national emergency". This directive grants unprecedented power to the Commander In Chief of the US Military (the president) without any type of overriding checks and balances from Congress.[19]
[edit] Ideologies
There are a number of different ideologies related to this belief:[20]
[edit] H. G. Wells and the benevolent New World Order
H.G. Wells advised in his 1940 work The New World Order that "... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we [must] bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people."[21] He called for the effort to organize prominent intellectuals behind the idea of establishing a World Government, in which his writings would be expected to have an instrumental role, in the "Open Conspiracy" (a benevolent one) in his book published under that name in 1928.[22]
[edit] Lionel Curtis and the "Commonwealth of God"
Lionel Curtis wrote a book in 1938 called The Commonwealth of God in which he advocated that the United States and the British Empire should jointly impose a world government which would be presented as being the work of God: "I feel that when once the Protestant churches had learned to regard the creation of a world commonwealth as an all-important aspect of their work in realizing the Kingdom of God, an international commonwealth in the English-speaking world would come into being in a few generations".[23][24] Some conspiracy theorists find sinister meaning in this.
[edit] Alice Bailey's "New World Order" and its opposition to Orthodox Judaism
Alice A. Bailey, a one time Theosophist who formed her own group, the Arcane School, in 1923, predicted in 1940 the victory of the Allies over the Axis and the establishment afterward by the Allies of a "New World Order" — regarded by her (as by H.G. Wells) — as a benevolent conspiracy by political progressives that would bring humanity to a higher level of civilization.[25] However, in 1997, Rabbi Yonassan Gershom, in an article titled "Antisemitic Stereotypes in Alice Bailey's Writings", pointed out that Bailey's "Plan for the New World Order" called for "the gradual dissolution - again if in any way possible - of the Orthodox Jewish faith", which, he said, indicated that "her goal is nothing less than the destruction of Judaism itself."[26]
[edit] Patrick Buchanan and the Council on Foreign Relations theory
Paleoconservative Patrick J. Buchanan asserts the Council on Foreign Relations (itself alleged to be a front for international bankers, as well as, it is claimed, the inspiration for the founding of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and World Trade Organization) is behind the conspiracy.[citation needed] He claims that the international banking interests are planning to eventually subvert the independence of the United States of America by subordinating national sovereignty to the United Nations.[27][28] This thesis agrees with the right-wing libertarian opinion[29] who sees a future socialist World State as the only way to achieve an Orwellian collectivist oligarchy freed from the need to subordinate the world's production to the consumers of a free market economy. The conspiracy would replace it with a monopolist planned economy capable of rationing the resources, converting populations into public property.[30] Their usual image is an egalitarian slavery under a global scientific dictatorship.
"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents ... to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
- David Rockefeller, "Memoirs" autobiography (2002, Random House publishers), page 405
The Council of Foreign Relations Theory is the latest version of the conspiracy theorist view that the Anglo-American Establishment conspired from 1900 on to gain world domination. The research findings of historian Carroll Quigley, an expert on the Establishment, were taken by right-wing writers to substantiate this view, even though he denied that the Establishment was a conspiracy seeking world domination.[31]
[edit] Apocalyptic Christian theories centering on the Book of Revelation
Some evangelical Christian theologians include a prominent religious element based on prophecies in the Bible, including, but not limited to, the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, and the Gospel of John about the coming of the Anti-Christ. They assert that agents of Satan are involved in deceiving humanity into accepting an international demonic order that has Satan and the Unholy Trinity, at the core of worship. These beliefs often include explicit millenarianism. Other ideologies do not have a religious component, and view the concept of "serving Satan" metaphorically[citation needed].
The futurist, dispensationalist view regarding the expected events leading to the implementation of the New World Order and the emergence of the Anti-Christ as well as the subsequent Battle of Armageddon and Second Coming is exhaustively summarized in the 1998 book Final Warning: The History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera.[32] A popular documentary on christian eschatology is called The Late, Great Planet Earth, and is narrated by Orson Welles.
[edit] Multi-national corporations theory
Some say that there is or may be an explicit (conspiracy) or implicit (bloc) organization of intellectuals, technologists, technocrats, intelligentsia, technophiles, or other such intellectual elites and leaders who view digital technology as a god in and of itself and push a pro-Technocracy, pro-Scientism agenda. Generally, this theory maintains a nexus to capitalism, materialism, transnational corporations, and based on behaviours of groups like Big four record labels, Supermajor, Trusted Computing Group, and advancement of technology like Spychips. The theory goes if technology is profitable and humans are subjectively guided by technological communications; accordingly, it is possible to sustain a peaceful and global consumer society. Anti-psychiatry sometimes plays a role in such theories, as it is claimed that the fields of psychology and psychiatry are for the purposes of medicating the individualist instincts of people and creating a conformant "therapeutic society."
[edit] Novus Ordo Seclorum
The phrase novus ordo seclorum means "New Order of the Ages", but is sometimes incorrectly translated as "New Secular Order".[33] Some of those who believe that the Freemasons are involved in the conspiracy to create a New World Order claim[34] that the motto is inspired by Freemasonry, and is one of the clues to the True Masters of the World. By circumscribing the 6 pointed hexagram, or Star of David, over the pyramid, 5 of the 6 apices (the 6th being the 'All-seeing eye'), point near letters spelling S-M-O-N-A, which can be rearranged to spell Mason. (In Hebrew the word "Oman" (plural "omanim") means artisan or skilled labourer, hence the possible reference in the word mason)
Advocates of the conspiracy theory also cite the 13 steps that ascend the pyramid, and the 72 visible blocks on the front. The Great US seal is also ascribed as employing heavily masonic imagery, with many believing the eagle to represent the masonic phoenix. The eagle holds an olive branch with 13 olives and 13 leaves in one claw, and 13 arrows in the other. There are also 13 stars above the eagle on the Great Seal of the United States, which also forms the 6 point hexagram or Star of David.
Occultists venerate the number 13 as it represents the Sun and the twelve signs of the zodiac, making thirteen. Others suggest the steps refer to the thirteen colonies.[35] If the blocks are correctly counted and their number intended, 72 has other mystical meanings: it was sacred to the Egyptians, as Plutarch says; and Persians, Jews and Christians use it as the number of nations on the Earth.
[edit] Other theories
Although the United Nations features prominently in some theories, conspiracy theory in the twenty-first century allows for the addition of many ideas that in the past might have been thought mutually exclusive. Extra-terrestrials (either the "Reptilians" or the "Greys" or both), the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, and other groups may be included in the conspiracy, in more or less dominant roles, as in the conspiracy theory put forward by David Icke. Some theorists say a secret annual conference of the Bilderberg Group plans world events to establish the New World Order.[36]Additionally, religious eschatology, often featuring the anti-Christ, is central to some theories, and irrelevant to others.
New World Order conspiracy theory may be presented by any who fear the loss of their ideological freedom and liberties, conservatives and liberals alike. A number of those on both the right and left believe that the left/right paradigm itself is a subversive creation of a New World Order-controlled media, intended as disinformation to divert people from their common enemy. This has been called "Fusion Paranoia" by Michael Kelly.
[edit] Theories about instances of historical manipulations
The conspirators thought to be responsible for the new world order, according to conspiracy theorists, are also suspected of staging many historical events such as World Wars and terrorist attacks. New world order conspiracy theorists say that world leaders throughout history have successfully manipulated their people into wars using false flag operations. To support these assertions they cite what they consider to be previous examples of such manipulations:
* The Nazis capitalized on the Reichstag fire by blaming the Communists for it, thus eliminating support for the Communist party in Germany, and leading to Nazi domination of the legislature.
* The Business Plot, a conspiracy of American wealthy industrial titans to hire a private army of 500,000 troops to overthrow the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt and create a fascist dictatorship in the United States.
* The use of the Patriot Act in the United States (9/11)
* The state of emergency in Indira Gandhi's rule of India after convicted of election fraud
* The United States knew in advance of the attacks on Pearl Harbor, and President Roosevelt used the attacks as a "legitimate" reason for entering World War II.
* Operation Northwoods, a proposed series of false flag operations to be used as a pretext for an invasion of Cuba, was signed off by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but rejected by President Kennedy shortly before his assassination.
* The Gulf of Tonkin Incident led President Johnson to escalate U.S. hostilities in Vietnam
* The Federal Reserve Act, designed to regulate bankers, was written on a private island off the coast of Georgia in 1910 by bankers representing the JP Morgan, Rockefeller, and Rothschild interests. This act gave the top international bankers the power to control and manipulate the United States money supply and therefore the economy.
* The United States government knew in advance of the attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon (9/11), the Bush administration created the attacks as a "legitimate" reason to enter Afghanistan, and later Iraq. It is also thought that the US may use similar reasoning to invade Iran, Lebanon and other countries in the Middle East as a foothold for the new world order.
Other new world order conspiracy theorists see the conspiracy at work in globalization, or in the various intellectual movements evolved from Marxism, ranging from social democracy to the Frankfurt School. These are thought to be intended to homogenize cultures and values by political normalization, as in the European Union and African Union's gradual "communitarian construction" scheme of a common economic and legal framework.
[edit] Postulated implementations
Just as there are several overlapping and even conflicting theories among conspiracy theorists about the nature of the New World Order, so are there several beliefs about how its architects and planners will implement it. For each theory, there is another which states that it has already happened:
[edit] Gradual takeover through economic colonialism
One conspiracy theory is that the New World Order is being implemented gradually, citing the foundation of the Federal Reserve bank; American Imperialism and economic Colonialism, the formation of the United Nations; the formation of the World Health Organization, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization; the formation of the European Union and the Euro currency; the formations of the North American Union and the Amero currency, the Middle East Free Trade Area, the African Union, and the various Middle East peace processes as major milestones.[citation needed]
In particular, Alex Jones claims in his movie Endgame that the European Union, the North American Union and other similar economic unions are implementations of the New World Order, orchestrated by the Bilderberg Group.[37]
[edit] Military coup
The understanding of some conspiracy theorists is that the New World Order will be created by a military coup, using UN and possibly American troops, against all the nations of the world to bring about a singular world government. Before year 2000 some conspiracists believed this process would be set in motion by the predicted Y2K computer crisis causing widespread social disorder.[38]
[edit] Chemtrails and MK-Ultra
Other components proposed by some conspiracy theorists[who?] include the dispersal of chemicals into the atmosphere via aircraft in the Chemtrail conspiracy theory and CIA mind control experiments performed under the code name MK-ULTRA.[citation needed]
[edit] UPC marking and RFID tagging
Some conspiracy theorists from the Christian community believe that the New World Order is the rulership of Earth by the Anti-Christ, and identify the coming of Satan's reign with the mark of the beast mentioned specifically in the Book of Revelation (see Revelation 13:16). Because the Mark of the Beast is linked to the act of "buying and selling", this mark has been at various times considered identical with the collection of sales tax, the use of Social Security card numbers, and the bar-coding of retail goods with UPC (Universal Product Code) markings. Current theorists have implicated RFID tagging as well. Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre, authors of Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID, wrote a new book on the subject from a Christian perspective.[39] John Conner, leader of an organization called "The Resistance of Christ," also believes there is a strong connection. Related subjects include eschatology (last things) and dispensationalism.[40][41][42]
[edit] "The Externalization of the Hierarchy"
In Alice Bailey's conspiracy theories (see above), a group called the Great White Brotherhood works on the "inner planes" to oversee humanity's transition to the New World Order. At present, the members of this Spiritual Hierarchy are only known to a few people, with whom they communicate telepathically, but as the need for their personal involvement in the plan increases, there will be an "Externalization of the Hierarchy" and all people will know of their presence on Earth.[citation needed]
1 comment:
For the problems with the assessment below, please see:
"Alice Bailey's...Alice A. Bailey, a one time Theosophist who formed her own group, the Arcane School, in 1923, predicted in 1940 the victory of the Allies over the Axis and the establishment afterward by the Allies of a "New World Order" — regarded by her (as by H.G. Wells) — as a benevolent conspiracy by political progressives that would bring humanity to a higher level of civilization.[25] However, in 1997, Rabbi Yonassan Gershom, in an article titled "Antisemitic Stereotypes in Alice Bailey's Writings", pointed out that Bailey's "Plan for the New World Order" called for "the gradual dissolution - again if in any way possible - of the Orthodox Jewish faith", which, he said, indicated that "her goal is nothing less than the destruction of Judaism itself."[26]"
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